$ 3.5 million export of handmade carpets from Hamedan to China

$ 3.5 million export of handmade carpets from Hamedan to China , Handmade carpets, Persian carpets, carpet weaving workshop, carpet weaving, handmade carpet production, export of handmade carpets Hamedan to China

Hamidreza Batahi stated in the working group for the development of non-oil exports in Hamadan province: The law on export tax exemption should be fully implemented by the tax affairs of Hamadan.

He said: Exports have been grounded in recent years due to the lack of government support, and its revival and prosperity require time and serious support.

He pointed out that the customs of Hamedan province has provided the ground for export and there is no problem in Hamedan customs to export, he said: export incentives and support packages will lead to export boom, which we hope will be fully implemented.

In recent months, we have been in talks with the Chinese side on carpet exports, which has fortunately yielded good results, said Batahi.

Announcing that 3 million and 500 thousand dollars of Hamedan handmade carpets have been exported to China so far, he said: China used to be a producer of handmade carpets, but now it has become a big consumer market and is one of the profitable markets for carpets.

The head of the province’s Chamber of Commerce’s trade commission said: Exports are exempt from taxes, but unfortunately this has not been implemented by the tax authorities and it imposes a tax on exports, which is an obstacle to exports.

The head of the Hamedan Agricultural Jihad Organization also pointed out that the export of agricultural products from Hamedan customs has increased by 36%, and said: We hope that the export growth of Hamedan province will accelerate due to coordination with export organizations.

Mansour Rezvani Jalal stated that there is no way to continuously improve and increase exports in order to continue production in terms of quantity and quality, adding that exports are considered in the agricultural sector because the development and continuation of production depends on exports.

He stated that the field of export of agricultural products from support packages and export incentives will be provided, and specified: more than 10 products with export capability have been identified in Hamedan province and we are preparing their export infrastructure.