85,000 tons of grapes are harvested in Kashmir
The director of Kashmir Jihad-e-Agriculture said: 85,000 tons of grapes will be harvested in Kashmir this year.
Mohammad Swabi stated: Due to the appropriate rainfall in the current crop year and the observance of the principles of nutrition and irrigation by gardeners, it is predicted that grape production in this city will reach 85,000 tons.
Referring to the beginning of the grape harvest season from 3300 hectares of orchards in the city, he said: With the favorable conditions provided for gardeners this year, the average production per unit area is expected to reach 26 tons per hectare.
Swabi reminded: 30% of this amount is spent on fresh food, now this product is being offered to domestic and foreign markets; About 70% of the processed green and golden raisins will be ready for domestic and foreign markets.
He stressed the need to pay attention to the processing industries and processing of agricultural products and said: to increase farmers’ incomes, we must move towards the development of processing industries.