Barberry disinfects the gastrointestinal tract
Barberry with hardy plants is a native plant of Europe and has many medical and therapeutic uses in ancient Egypt and India.
Barberry has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and is effective in treating diseases of the intestines, cardiovascular, liver, kidney and gallbladder.
Barberry is significantly effective in treating intestinal infections by producing substances called alkaloids. This delicious and tasty fruit prevents germs from affecting the body’s cells and is useful in treating digestive problems such as heartburn and nausea.
Studies on the properties of barberry show that the alkaloid contained in it is effective in preventing the progression of heart disorders.
Consumption of barberry juice causes potassium to move in the arteries and as a result the blood vessels become softer, which is effective in lowering blood pressure.
Barberry enhances bile flow in the gallbladder and improves the function of this important organ by sending blood flow to the liver. Other compounds in barberry also help break down urinary tract stones.
The roots, bark, leaves and fruits of this plant all have amazing healing properties.