Beginning of grape harvest in Bashagard

Begyndelsen af ​​druehøsten i Bashagard , Drueegenskaber, Druer, Druenyheder, Eksport af druer, Grønne druer, Sorte druer, Produktion af druer, Køb af druer, Salg af druer i butikken, Køb af førsteklasses iranske druer, Salg af iranske druer

Mohammad Ahmadi, director of Jihad Keshavarzi in Bashagard, predicts that 20 tons of grapes will be harvested from 6 hectares.
He said: Due to good rainfall and fighting diseases, production this year is 5% higher than last year.
The director of Jihad Keshavarzi of Bashagard city added: the main cultivation is in Gohran section.
Ahmadi said: Yaghooti is one of the most dominant cultivars cultivated in Bashagar city.
The director of Jihad Keshavarzi of Bashagard city said: the products produced will be offered in the domestic markets of the province.
Ahmadi added: the season continues until the end of August.