Benefits of onion peel to fight diabetes and cancer

From now on, doctors advise you not to throw away dry onion skins when you enter the kitchen, because these skins are rich in compounds that are useful and beneficial for human health.

According to experts; The brown, dry skin and outer layers of onions are rich in dietary fiber and flavonoids, and the outer layers of onions that you throw away contain sulfur compounds.

Vaniza Benitez, an expert in the Department of Agricultural Chemistry at the Autonomous University of Madrid in Spain, conducted a series of new experiments with a team of British experts from the University of Cranfield to carefully examine all the onion components.

According to the Arteriocyte website, these experiments showed that the brown and outer skin of onions is rich in dietary fiber and phenolic compounds, including quercetin and other flavonoids, which have healing properties. Also under this brown skin, the two outer layers on the onion contain fiber and flavonoids.

According to doctors, consuming dietary fiber reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal problems, colon cancer, type 2 diabetes and even obesity. At the same time, phenolic compounds are effective in preventing coronary artery disease and have anti-cancer properties. These parts of the onion also have high antioxidant properties.