Do not brew stale tea

A nutritionist considered the consumption of stale tea to be very harmful to the health of the gastrointestinal tract.

Farzad Babaei, referring to the existence of different types of tea, said: Different types of tea, including black, green and white tea, are offered in the market, and black tea is usually the most consumed.

Babaei called fresh tea one of the healthiest drinks and added: Tea is a healthy drink that is widely consumed in our society, but if this drink is not consumed properly, it can be harmful to health.

Referring to the presence of tannic acid and oxalate in tea, the nutritionist said: These two substances in tea do not absorb iron and their amount is higher in old and thick tea.

He added: In this regard, people should avoid consuming old tea and strong tea, which contains a lot of tannic acid and oxalate.

Babaei added: It is also recommended that people refrain from consuming tea immediately after a meal to better absorb iron.

He also mentioned how to consume tea: According to studies, hot tea is one of the causes of gastric and esophageal cancer, so people should allow the tea to cool slightly and then consume it.

Babaei added: Excessive consumption of stale tea also causes reflux, so excessive consumption of hot and stale tea can have destructive effects on the stomach and esophagus valves.

Emphasizing that tea that has been concentrated due to old age can not be consumed at all, he said: Strong or old tea can cause severe anemia and gastrointestinal problems, which is strongly recommended to avoid.

The nutritionist considered tea consumption harmful for people with digestive problems and said: People with diseases such as stomach ulcers need to limit tea consumption, as well as people with anemia or various types of gastrointestinal cancers. Tea is also not recommended for pregnant women.

Babaei considered the consumption of sweet substances along with tea as a risk factor for health and added: Some people are accustomed to mixing tea with other substances or consuming tea with sweet substances, which in addition to destroying the properties of tea, increases sugar. And it becomes blood fat, so it is recommended that people avoid sweeteners with tea as much as possible and consume tea with a small amount of dried berries, raisins or dried dates.