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Global tableau carpet registration of Sardrood city in wipo

Global tableau carpet registration of Sardrood city in wipo

Hossein Nejati, the public relations officer of the Mining Industry and Trade Organization of East Azerbaijan Province, said during a visit to the tableau carpet production workshops in Sardrud: The registration of the city’s national geographical mark in the field of tableau carpet has been done.
He added that the global registration of Sardrood tableau carpet is also being followed in Wipo.
Referring to the organization, guidance and support of tableau carpet manufacturers, Nejati considered the creation of a tableau carpet union effective and called on the producers to start its preparations with the cooperation of this organization and Sardrood municipality.
Nejati stated that there is a high capacity for the production of tableau carpets in Sardrood, adding that the daily production capacity of 250 exquisite tableau pieces in this city shows the existence of skilled artists and their global activity.
In Sardrood, 18,000 people are directly engaged in the production of tableau in centralized and decentralized workshops, which has reduced the unemployment rate in this city to zero, and most of the carpets and handicrafts exported from the country are tableau carpets with Sardrood brand.

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