It’s all about walnuts

It's all about walnuts,walnuts,Walnut properties, Walnut health benefits, Walnut benefits, Nuts, Walnut medicinal properties, LDL cholesterol lowering, Dietary foods,

Walnut kernels are a nutritious nutrient that can be removed from the walnut hard shell. Walnut kernels are also called brain foods because walnut kernels are rich in omega-3s that make the brain function better. Walnut or nutmeg of round fruits, with two shells, one soft and green that gradually dries and disappears and the other hard and woody. Its brain is edible and has a lot of oil.
Walnuts are precious nutty fruits that come in many varieties. Walnuts are an excellent source of protein, fiber, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. This is the same as the word for the Middle Persian Gucc Juice.
Walnut kernels and flaxseeds have the highest amount of omega-3 fatty acids among plant foods.
In contrast to the paleontological and pollinological studies on Earth, there have been various walnut varieties since ancient times, especially since the third geology. From the fourth geology onwards walnut tree effects, including pollen, have been obtained in Eastern European countries.
The origin of the walnut tree is known in Western Asia and the Himalayas. Iran has the highest walnut production in the world, with Hamadan and Baft Tuyserkan cities in Kerman province having the highest walnut cultivation area in Iran. The oldest walnut tree exists in the Goghar area of ​​Baft city.
About 5% of walnut bran fats are unsaturated, which are very beneficial to the health of the body.
A quarter cup of walnut kernels provide about 2.5 percent of the body’s daily need for this essential fat.
The benefits of walnuts:
The Food and Drug Institute has suggested eating 5 grams of walnuts daily for heart health.
Although many benefits are hidden in nuts, some refuse to eat walnuts and other nuts because they are believed to increase weight. But it has been proven that people who eat nuts at least 3 times a week are far less likely to gain weight than those who do not. So if you eat nuts or nuts, you get fat, so don’t miss out on this delicious and useful meal.

گرد Vitamins and minerals found in walnuts:
Walnut is the best source of manganese and copper.
There are also walnuts, magnesium and phosphorus. Some zinc, iron, calcium and selenium have also been found.
▪ Walnuts have little sodium or salt.
Walnuts contain the highest amount of vitamins B۶, B۱ and B۵ (pantothenic acid).
There are also vitamins such as E, B1 and B2 in walnuts.
▪ Walnut has about 6.7 grams of fiber.
About 5% of walnut fats are unsaturated and useful for heart health. This type of fat lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases good cholesterol (HDL).
1) Lower total cholesterol
2) Lower LDL Cholesterol
3) Increase HDL Cholesterol
4) Increased elasticity of the veins of the body
5) Protection against heart disease
6) Increase the power of the mind and intelligence
7) Useful for shortness of breath
8) Prevent arthritis
9) Useful for skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis (red spots on the skin)
10) Antioxidant. Among the nuts, walnut and chestnut antioxidants are the most common.
11) Protecting the immune system
Avoid blood clots
12) Regulation of metabolism in the body
13) Blood pressure regulation
14) Blood sugar regulation
15) Prevent Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
16) Prevent gallstones
17) Bone protection
18) Walnut oil can relieve joint pain and make it easier to absorb nutrients.
19) Children with low levels of omega-3s in their diet are more likely to have hyperactivity or hyperactivity disorder, behavioral problems, mood swings, and sleep problems.
Women who consume 28 grams of nuts and peanuts a week reduce their chances of developing gallstones by 25 percent.
20) If you want to have a good night’s sleep, eat a vegetable salad with walnuts for dinner.