Kelardasht carpet became universal in Iran
Salehi, the governor of Kelardasht, said in a meeting on how to set up a carpet bazaar in the presence of the director of festivals of the National Carpet Center of Iran and the director of research of the National Carpet Center of Iran in Kelardasht: From the map and the color of the rose, having a long lint (cool in the hot season and warm in the cold season), preventing the reflection of sounds and having a durability of 75 years will soon be registered in the world list.
He added: “It is better for provincial and national officials to have a special look at this industry and provide facilities for weavers to create carpets with peace of mind and focus, because Kelardasht carpet, as one of the best carpets in the country, should be in the past.” Country and world to be offered.
Seyed Hassan Raeisizadeh, Director of the Central Carpet Festival of Iran, also visited the hand-woven carpets workshops of Arash and Sara Goli in Tavidreh village and said: It has been a long time since we have been able to take a step forward in the job creation of this region by using the existing capacities and facilities.
Seyed Mohsen Musharraf, director of research at the National Carpet Center of Iran, said about the creation of this bazaar: “The problem of Kelardasht carpets and weavers and carpet production is not a problem, because the missing link in this industry is marketing and sales.” Kelardasht hand-woven carpet is more than 300 years old.