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Know the healing properties of barberry juice

Know the healing properties of barberry juice

Barberry juice purifies and disinfects the blood. Regulates gastrointestinal function, eliminates kidney and liver rash, nausea, vomiting, bile, liver, indigestion and kidney stones.

Barberry juice mixed with equal amounts of apple juice and a little lemon juice and sugar is effective for healing poisoning by snake bites and is useful for heart failure, heart palpitations and anorexia.

Gargling with barberry juice relieves sore throat, sore throat and asthma, disinfects the mouth and relieves sore throats.

Other properties of barberry juice include being anti-fat, anti-sugar, lowering blood pressure, rinsing the bladder and kidneys, shrinking the abdomen, strengthening the heart, opening the arteries, destroying kidney and bladder stones, can be used to prepare a variety of fruit pickles And soothing the psyche and nerves noted.

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