tableau Persian carpet of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics was woven

tableau Persian carpet of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics was woven , tableau Persian carpet Olympic 2020, handmade carpet production, handmade art, handmade carpet, tableau carpet

Fereydoon Naghiloo in Urmia, referring to the texture of the tableau of the 2020 Olympic carpet in West Azerbaijan, said: The tableau of the 2020 Olympic carpet has been woven to introduce the art and craft of Azerbaijan-West to the world, and the texture of this tableau carpet has been completed in 2.5 months.
He noted that this is the fourth carpet tableau to be unveiled for international sports. The role is closed.
The tableau weaver of the 2020 Olympic Carpet continued: This Islamic design measures one meter by 90 centimeters and uses 37 natural colors, of which 15 are wool and the rest are silk.
He pointed out that so far four tableau have woven sports carpets, adding that tableau has donated the 2019 Volleyball Nations League, 2019 Asian Football Cup and 2018 World Cup to the Football Federation.
Naghiloo pointed out that this tableau carpet should have been delivered to the Iranian Olympic Committee by April 6, and due to the spread of corona, this tableau carpet has not been delivered to the Iranian Olympic Committee. Will be dedicated.
It should be noted that Fereydoun Naghilou, a young and tasteful 30-year-old artist from Dizaj Diz city in Khoy city in West Azerbaijan, has announced his main goal in the world of tableau carpet weaving, introducing the art and craft of Azerbaijani-Western carpet weaving to the world.
So far, he has woven tableau carpets for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, the 2019 Asian Football Cup, and has donated the tableau carpet for the 2019 Volleyball Nations League to the mayor of Urmia during the volleyball tournament.

tableau Persian carpet of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics was woven , tableau Persian carpet Olympic 2020, handmade carpet production, handmade art, handmade carpet, tableau carpet