The effect of raisins in reducing oral diseases

Ефектот на суво грозје во намалувањето на оралните болести , Својства на суво грозје, Суво грозје, Новости од суво грозје, Вести за свежо суво грозје, извоз на суво грозје, зелено суво грозје, црно суво грозје, производство на суво грозје

Consumption of raisins prevents the growth of oral bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease.
Some phytochemicals (phytochemicals found in some plants) limit the growth of oral bacteria associated with oral disease.
Raisins are also sweet and sticky, and any food that contains sugar and is sticky seems to cause tooth decay, but this research group suggests.
Plant chemical compounds called phytochemicals in raisins help fight oral bacteria.
It is worth mentioning that raisins mainly contain fructose and glucose and do not contain sucrose, which is the main cause of oral disease.