Traces of Khorramdarreh raisins in the Persian Gulf and Europe
The head of Khorramdarreh Agricultural Jihad announced the export of acidic raisins from Khorramdarreh city
to the countries bordering the Persian Gulf and Europe.
Ali Mohammadi, pointing out that Khorramdarreh is one of the centers of grape and raisin production in the province, said:
Gardeners in Khorramdarreh, under normal circumstances, harvest more than 50,000 tons of grapes annually.
He pointed out that 3% of the grapes produced in Khorramdarreh are consumed as fresh food or as grape derivatives:
the rest of this popular and high-quality product is also converted into sour raisins,
the main destination of which is the Persian Gulf and European countries.
The director of Jihad Keshavarzi of Khorramdarreh city, stating that more than 2700 hectares of the city’s orchards are vineyards, added:
Grape product as the first product of the city’s orchard has a special place in employment and agricultural economy of the city.
Mohammadi pointed out that Khorramdarreh gardeners harvest more than 50,000 tons of grapes annually under normal conditions,
noting that it is expected that this year the city’s vine growers will produce and market more than 10,000 tons of sour raisins.