Types of wood mosaics

Types of wood mosaics , Mosaic, inlaid mosaic, inlay mosaic, mosaic work, traditional arts,

The result of examining the history and evolution of mosaics on wood is the variety of shapes created by mosaics, known as mosaics with colored backgrounds, wood background mosaics, inlaid mosaics, and inlaid mosaics. In this article, we will describe how to make each type.

Mosaic with a background of color
In some cases, due to the lack of access to the foil wood and sometimes according to taste, the background of the mosaic is painted with a combination of two layers of black dough and polyester.
The various stages of mosaic with a black background are as follows:
1. The work steps are up to 8 rows, respectively.
2. After pressing the maps on the background, due to the removal of the foil wood, between the maps and the background to which they are attached, a surface height of 3 or 4 mm is created.
3. The perimeter of the object is enclosed by paper tape in such a way that 2 or 3 millimeters of it is above the object.
4. Thoroughly mix the black dough with the polyester and then pour into a bowl.
5. Cover the entire mosaic surface with black dough until the dough is one millimeter higher than the embossed patterns.
6. After 24 hours, when the dough is dry, the work surface is polished by sanding number 40, and this process continues until all the mosaic patterns are completely visible in the middle of the black background.
7. Finally, a layer of polyester is sprayed again, and after it dries, the surface of the object is further polished according to the principles described in rows 12 and 13 of the previous article.

Khatam mosaic
In this type of mosaic, Khatam’s colored cuts are replaced by simple colored woods, and the environment and distance of the maps are separated from the background and other parts of the map by a thin line called zeh. The procedure is as follows:
1. The prepared cut seams are sewn to the width of the desired role.
2. The wood or ivory that is to be used as the gutter is temporarily glued under the model and moved one millimeter from the edge of the map to the inner side of the map, thus obtaining a narrow strip by combining the desired map to make it stand out. The main one is installed on the board. The same is true for lines that are between different pieces of the map.
3. After the remaining cut, the map is separated from the wood or ivory, and then it is placed on the colored cuts of the inlay and carved. The remarkable thing about Khatam’s teleportation is that Khatam’s cuts, due to their elegance, disintegrate under direct pressure from the hair shaft, and to prevent this, a piece of wood the size of a map and Khatam are placed under it when cutting. In this way, the inlays are less pressed and easier to cut between the two three-sided pieces of the map and the lower wood.
4. The rest of the Khatam mosaic process is as simple as the mosaic, except that when rubbing and polishing its surface, a little carelessness causes the Khatam maps to disintegrate and disappear.
5. In large “mosaic-inlay” objects, the simple background of which is a kind of inlay, filling the background and sealing its inlays is done directly on the object after pasting the mosaic patterns.

Inlaid mosaic
Mosaic inlays are another type of mosaic in which the patterns are taken out of the flat state and displayed in a semi-embossed form. In this type of mosaic, the thickness of the colored wood increases from 3 to 4 mm to 5 to 6 mm. Here’s how to make a mosaic inlay:
1. The whole background of the object is made of polyester and black dough or sewn foil wood.
2. The map is pasted on three layers according to the principles mentioned above.
3. The shredded pieces are placed on colored sticks and carried away.
4. Each of the discarded colored maps is temporarily hammered into a wooden stick with a cold serum, placed vertically in the clamp and held firmly, and then inlaid on it by a cave. The device is also used for engraving on ivory. But carving on oysters is only possible with a razor.
5. After the above step, the maps are installed on the board in their original place and in order to be able to embed them prominently, under each piece of the roles, according to the role itself, they stick a tree with the desired height, the length of which is proportional to the height of other maps. It is calculated and then the circumference is made obliquely to make it completely thin, thus connecting the delicate base with its composition under it.
6. Once all the pieces of the map have been prepared, in order to be able to attach each of them in place, you need to dig several points in the connection of the role with the board by moving the role itself. This is done by the tip of the cave. The holes in the spots cause the glue to accumulate and stick the shapes on the solid background.
7. After gluing the maps, a few polished killer or polyester polishes are sprayed on the panel with a pistol.