Anbaran Ardebil kilim history in iran

Anbaran Ardebil kilim history in iran,Anbaran Ardebil kilim, Ardebil kilim,Ardebil,kilim

In the villages of Namin city, especially in the Anbaran region, indigenous women and girls create arts of kilim whose reputation is nowadays known all over the world, including the Anbaran kilim of Ardebil handicrafts.
The city of Anbaran, located seven kilometers north of Namin city, is the main focus of the kilim weaving, known for its unique and indigenous characteristics of “kilim Anbaran”.
Anbaran kilim is one of the oldest Iranian landscapes that is reminiscent of the rich civilization of this region and is reminiscent of ancient Iranian life because of its texture changes during the centuries.
The traditional and mythical motifs of the woven kilns of Anbaran symbolize the symbols or patterns of the interior weavers’ wishes and express the wishes and needs of the people living in these areas.

Drawing myths in kilim

Traditional patterns in kilims of the province are mostly the role of the samovar, the tray and the crab in the kilim text, and the role of the dragon in the kilim margin.
The Anbaran kilim fringes have several roles within which the main kilim roles are woven and include roles such as “bogogel”, “pote”, “gangl” and “jungle”, which each evokes a part of life and It is a special intellectual environment with its historical background.
Rural women and girls with kilim designs not only create a lasting art but also introduce human myths that share common ethics regardless of where they live.

Use of native fibers in crop tissue

The unique feature of Anbaran kilim is its native fiber and textural tools. So that every rural woman can step into the art of handmade industry for centuries by making a small splash in the art house.
According to a local weaver, the kilim is made of wool yarn with a combination of Alwan dyes, with its strands of solid white thread called “spring” or “vale” and the skirts of colorful soft yarn called “Togh” in Talish. Be composed.
The most important feature of Anbaran kilim is its two-way role meaning the viewer cannot recognize the back and face of the kilim and therefore the two sides of the kilim can be used.
In addition, its light weight, compactness and flexibility make it a valuable item among other handicrafts available.