Pumpkin painting is one of the special handicrafts of Gilan

Pampoenverf is een van die spesiale handwerk van Gilan , Handwerk, Tradisionele kuns, Tradisionele Iraanse handwerk, Iraanse handwerk, Handwerk en kultuur en kuns, Ons ou handwerk, Handwerk wat kulturele identiteit toon, Produksie van Iraanse handwerk, Spesiale handwerk van Gilan

One of the special handicrafts of Gilan is pumpkin painting; The pumpkin on which it is painted is called a hookah pumpkin and in Gilan it is known as a camouflage hookah.
Hookah squash is used to prepare a pot or container containing hookah water, a lamp stand and a painted squash. Pumpkin hookah is mostly grown in the villages of the eastern cities of Gilan, especially Lahijan and Langardud.
Robino writes: Liaristan is famous for having a hookah pumpkin and 6,000 hookahs are made in the year. In the past, when hookah was prevalent and villagers had less access to factory-made artificial containers, pumpkin hookah was of interest.
However, today, due to the reduction of hookah addiction and the prevalence of artificial containers, hookah squash has declined; But it still has a buyer as a hookah base in the villages and a lamp base (lampshade) and a pumpkin painted in the cities.
Hookah squash, whether prepared for a hookah and a lamp or painting stand, is molded on the plant as it grows. Before this plant reaches its full growth, it is shaped twice by hand every day for 15 days, says Rabino. So that it is in good condition and does not cause any problems during the sale.
To prepare a high quality hookah or painted pumpkin, the pumpkins are put in the mold for several days. The molds are polygonal or oval and round in various geometric shapes. Growing squash sticks to the body of the mold and takes its shape.
When the process of preparing a suitable pumpkin is finished, the Gilani artist engraves his desired designs on its body with a sharp tool, then they put the painted pumpkin in the shade for 10 to 15 days; To dry.
At this time, when the pumpkin is ready for coloring, it is dyed in different stages by pomegranate peel and pecan seeds and black alum, and then the pumpkin is boiled to prove the colors, and at the end, it is dried and cut; Until the lower parts of the body, which are less colored and light brown, appear and the patterns of the grooves, which are dark brown, become more distinctive on it.