Walnuts and grapes form the main gardens of Kermanshah province

Walnuts and grapes form the main gardens of Kermanshah province

About eleven thousand hectares of gardens in Kermanshah province are dedicated to walnut cultivation, which in terms of area, dominates all gardens in the province.
Engineer Ali Faraj Parandi, Horticulture Director of Kermanshah Agricultural Jihad Organization, said: Kermanshah province is a suitable place to grow in terms of climatic conditions, and the province’s walnuts are packaged here and exported to other provinces and abroad.
Parandi described the area of ​​irrigated and rain-fed vineyards in the province as 9,000 hectares and said: Vineyards in terms of area, after walnut orchards and most of the orchards form the province and from each hectare, 14 tons of grapes are obtained and the yield of grapes per One hectare is not less than five hectares.
He mentioned Monjifi figs as another product of the province and said: Currently, we have counted 400 hectares of fig orchards and we have added 600 hectares in order to develop fig orchards, which has not been achieved yet.
Parandi called the figs produced in the province high quality and competitive with other provinces and said: Since two years ago, three drying figs have been made and provided to the applicants, and the produced figs will be exported to other provinces after packaging. In conclusion, he said: The suitable climate of the province has created favorable conditions for the development of almonds, and in the future we have a special program for the development of walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts, and there is potential for the export of these products in the province. It is worth mentioning that Kermanshah province has about 35,000 hectares of fruitful gardens and more than 120,000 tons of crops are obtained annually from the province’s gardens.