Types of Eslimi designs in Iranian carpets
Eslimi or Khatai’s designs in Iranian carpets are also derived from each other’s tastes arts, customs and traditions, and include various arts such as gilding in their hearts.
- Half Eslimi: An image in which, alone, the role of half of Eslimi can be seen.
- Eslimi’s head: One of the two ends of Eslimi’s drawing, which sometimes plays a special role and becomes a branch, for example.
- Hollow Eslimi: A type of Eslimi role that is not filled with drawings and the only interior decoration is multi-drawing and line in line with Eslimi’s drawing lines.
- Simple hollow Eslimi: A role of hollow Eslimi with the least and simplest interior decorations.
- Nested Eslimi: A role of Eslimi that is decorated and filled with drawings.
- Violent Eslimi: A two-dimensional drawing that, whenever it bears distant resemblance to the role of Eslimi, is the usual subtleties of Eslimi.
- Double Eslimi: A special drawing of the edge of a rug that consists of a thick Eslimi and a thin Eslimi.
- Chain Eslimi: Eslimi drawings that look like a chain in combination. This combination is also called the Eslimi chain.
- Broken Eslimi: A species of Eslimi whose lines are straight and broken, and whose twists and turns due to the slight curvature used in its bow does not have the elegance and soft and beautiful movement of a typical Eslimi drawing, and is more of an abstract drawing than anything else.
- Eslimi Broken Branch: An Eslimi type of drawing whose branches are embossed with broken lines.
- Double Eslimi: A double Eslimi species, two Eslimi symmetrical and overlapping, linked together. Such Eslimi are also called twin ivy.
- Eslimi Marie: A species of Eslimi whose two ends are engraved with a few twists and turns, which is said to be a diagram of the movement of the “snake”. Eslimi Marie’s drawing in the design is repeated in discrete and separate roles. Unlike other Eslimi, the repetition or so-called presentation of it is in the form of interconnected roles. Eslimi Marie is often associated with Shah Abbasi’s flower.
- Snail Eslimi: A species of Eslimi snake that is adorned with small images such as snails. And that’s why it’s called snail Eslimi.
- Eslimi Dragon’s Mouth: The most famous Eslimi in which each snake’s head is divided into two symmetrical branches and looks like the mouth of a legendary dragon. On the two branches of this Eslimi are sprouts that are mostly called slim.
- Eslimi Cheng: In Isfahan, the dragon’s mouth Eslimi is called Eslimi Cheng because of its resemblance to Cheng.
- Rear Eslimi: A species of Eslimi that resembles an elephant’s head or snout, also called an Eslimi.
- Eslimi Screwdriver: A combination of Eslimi scrolls and hair screws, which are also called Eslimi screws, Eslimi screwdriver and Eslimi screw.
- Page Branches: Screw branches are Eslimi in which the state of complexity is greater, and sometimes the twisting of several twisted branches that are combined together creates a knot-like shape in the drawing.
- Eslimi Kashan Design: A type of Eslimi painting that is usually a congressional one-way border line.
- Abrarchini: A painting by Eslimi Spiral that seems to have been taken by Iranian artists from China. This image is sometimes used as a role in a piece of white cloud, and sometimes as an abstract receipt in the form of regular semicircles. Chinese clouds are mostly used to decorate the edges of carpets.
- Leaf Eslimi: An Eslimi drawing whose border lines are serrated and like a letterhead. In leaf Eslimi, the line of the inner roles is usually drawn like the leaves, such as Eslimi, Eslimi leaf or Eslimi leafy.
- Eslimi Stem: A species of Eslimi, usually curved, branched, and not very delicate, with pictures of leaves that cling more to the stem than it grows, and flowers whose role on the stem shifts. Cut off.
- Eslimi Lightning Arak: The maze of this Eslimi is more than other paintings of this kind. The bottom of the Eslimi is usually rolled so that it folds like the center of the center.
- Eslimi Ravor style: An image of Eslimi in which it is mostly full of patterns and flowers and has a snail-like rotation.
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